Introduction to Agility
Board &
Puppy Kindergarden
Socialization for All Ages
Basic Obedience Class
Private Coaching
1:1 in your home on your schedule.
Tailored obedience training to suit your life style.
6 week program
Remote Collar Training
Advanced training for Coaching & Boarding.
with your pet remotely.
6 weeks program $600.00
Additional cost for R-Collar equipment.

Group Classes
Join us for early morning classes in Kaneohe
Puppy Kindergarden
Socialize your puppy off leash in Kaneohe. Introduce your new puppy to new sights, sounds and smells as well as other pups and people.
Learn the fundamentals of training and how to care for your pup.
AKC S.T.A.R Puppy prep.
6 week program $240.00
These classs will help your dog learn obedience on cue and how to behave appropriately in social settings.
Learn essential obedience training commands and techniques. Work on problem behaviors.
Canine Good Citizen prep.
6 week program $240.00
Puppy Kindergarden
Puppy Kindergarden is a great way to provide the foundation for a successful future. Learn how to communicate with your pet and practice the fundamentals of basic obedience. Socialize off leash.
Enroll from 12 to 24 weeks
Classes are held in Kaneohe on Saturdays at 9 am.
must be up to date on vaccinations
1 hr class for 6 weeks $240.00
Topics covered
basic nutrition & health care
potty training & crate training
puppy proofing your home for success
food luring
the release cue
capturing and shaping
verbal and non verbal cues
sit, stand, down, stay
walking nicely on a leash
greeting & accepting strangers
problem behaviors
Introduction to Agility
Agility training is an exhilerating sport that challenges your dogs’ obedience, speed and agility. Learn how to navigate obstacles, tunnels, jumps, and weave poles. This activity is not only a great way to stay fit, teamwork builds communication and trust.
Classes are held in Kaneohe, on Saturdays at 4pm.
Prerequisite, Basic Obedience
1 hour class for 6 weeks $240.00
Each week we will focus on one element of agility and stack learned skills. Each class includes warm-up, foundational techniques, obstacle navigation, obedience and socialization. Great prep class for Agility with Tammy Nunes at A to Z Dog Training in Waimanalo!
Basic Obedience Class
Basic Obedience Class is a great way to improve your relationship with your dog. Learn & practice obedience cues and work on problem behaviors.
For dogs over 6 months
Classes are held in Kaneohe on Sundays at 9 am.
must be up to date on vaccinations
1 hour class for 6 weeks $240.00
Topics covered
conditioned reinforcer, timing & reward
food luring into position
the release and focus cue
capturing and shaping
verbal and non verbal cues
sit, down, stay
walking nicely on a leash
adding distractions & duration to learned behavior
greeting and accepting strangers
leave it

for All Ages
Enjoy socializing your dog in a controlled, clean environment. Learn new skills, brush up on old ones, make friends! Create positive associations that contribute to your dogs overall well-being and happiness. Continued socialization helps keep your dogs’ mind active and adaptable to new situations.
Held in Kaneohe on Sundays at 1015 am
Prerequisite, Basic Obedience
1 hour class for 6 weeks $240
Day Train
Advanced Training throughout the day in my home with structured lessons & socialization.
drop off and pick up
6 sessions, 2x/wk for 3 weeks
prerequisite: group class or private coaching
must be up to date on vaccinations
Board & Train
Advanced Training throughout the day in my home with structured lessons & socialization.
overnight crating
6 night program
prerequisite: group class or private coaching
must be up to date on vaccinations